Saturday, 12 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Soil Screening
Soil is a very precious commodity and therefore we have gone to some considerable length (probably too far!) to recover soil from the various excavations for land drains, cable ducts, vegetable beds and planting trees.
Every hole dug is hard going with pickaxe and mattock and result in a pile of broken rock and stone with some soil mixed in. The ‘soil’ (largely rock dust!) is useful to fill raised beds when mixed with compost and the stone for backfilling land drains. Larger bits of rock will be used for paths.
To sort these out we have improvised a screen made from an old gate covered with garden netting. Below this is a second screen made from galvanised wire mesh. Large stone are retained on the netting and are ‘bounced’ down the length of the gate. The stones and soil that fall through the netting are then screened through the mesh with the ‘soil’ falling to the ground and the smaller stone collected in a bucket.
The system works well provided everything is reasonably dry otherwise it all sticks together and does not pass through the screen.
The one final process is washing the smaller stone. As the soil is clayey, quite a bit sticks to the smaller stones or just small balls of clay don’t go through the smaller mesh. If this was used for backfilling a land drain, the clay would clock up the perforated pipe.
The stones were washed in a sieve with water from the stream and the washings filtered using a bulk bag that gravel was delivered in. Wash water drained back to the stream. There was a 20m length of blue water pipe we found in our hedge that we recovered and by simply weighting one end in the bottom of the stream up the field we had quite a flow of water. This gave us another idea, more of which later…
This proved to be a very slow and back breaking task and I am not sure if simply leaving the stone out in the rain for a while would not achieve the same result!
Lammas Project
To meet the policy requirements the community has effectively to be ‘off-grid’ with no incoming (or outgoing!) services. Each of the families has had to submit a business plan for their smallholding to demonstrate that a significant proportion of their income will be generated from their land. The business plans for each plot and a huge amount of information on the project can be found on the planning page of the Lammas website.
The progress of the development is being recorded by a series of mini-films produced by undercurrents. The open day was being recorded for part of a new episode and our group was accompanied by the camera woman. We therefore found ourselves as extras in the latest episode and also gave a short piece to camera. The rest of the episodes an be found on the Living In The Future website.
The whole project is incredibly inspiring and we will make regular visits to see how it develops. Two low-impact straw bale houses were in various stages of construction at the time of the visit with the rest of the families who have moved to the site living temporarily in mobile homes.
This may not be everybody’s idea of nirvana, however, if you yearn for a low impact self sufficient lifestyle, it is well worth a visit to this pioneering development.