Its official! This
April was the wettest recorded in the UK since records began and the rain has continued into May. Today, a Bank Holiday, is wet and cold – another perfect day out for our ducks.

acquired a pair of female Khaki Campbell ducks from friends last April on
William and Katherine’s wedding day and so they were duly christened Wilhelmina (Wills) and Kate by Ian’s eldest daughter Laura.

We were told that duck eggs make very good
sponge cakes but we don’t bake cakes so we started eating them like ‘normal’
eggs…fried, poached or scrambled – lovely!
Wills and Kate are very consistent layers, very inquisitive and very

They are less destructive than the hens,
preferring a hoovering method through the long grass over scratching and
pecking approach which is very useful when it comes to clearing the slugs from
around the base of the raised beds.

Ducks take to water …but ours generally have to settle for a washing up
bowl full of water for washing and drinking, but on the weekends they are
encouraged to take a trip to the ‘dam’ for a good swim, but strictly under
Sadly, Kate disappeared
one damp dismal winter day (presumably a silent fox attack) when left to
wonder around the garden unaccompanied during the day. These days, the hens and ducks are contained
within the electric fenced enclosure unless we are around.
Within days of Kate’s disappearance, we
purchased Pippa (also named by Laura) for £16 as Wills was clearly pining for a

After a few days of getting to
know each other (plus overhead netting and one clipped wing to keep Pippa
inside the fence) they are inseparable.
Although the hens and ducks get along well enough, Pippa is often seen
stalking the cats and even charging them once their backs are turned! The potential for building the ducks a ‘safe’
pond and extending the range of the electric fencing to allow true (fox safe)
free range fowl is still under consideration, so watch this space!